Saturday, February 4, 2012


Don't forget while we do not have a group and so on for those who blog
Bitch Tail... 
we love you just the same!

Greed can be a scary monster!
We never expect anyone to take their time to help market us.
Therefore no group will be created,
with that NO minimal blog posts required by anyone...

I still get warm fuzzies when I see people wearing my items.
And I never want to lose that :D

If you have blogged Bitch Tail or plan to blog Bitch Tail please take a moment to let us know!!!!
We do give a special thank you to all of you as you are
infact helping us as well...


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for saying this Tiff and for being so gracious to everyone.

    I look forward to blogging your items in the very near future!

    Kitty DeVaux
