As of 9amSL the region named Bitch Tail will be closed to public access for a remodel. Please note that no one is banned.... this is only to downsize, clean up and remodel what was a overwhelmingly HUGE store! It is bad when the Owner herself has no clue where anything is because there was far to much to sort through.
While I have a base "plan" for the new Bitch Tail build many things are still being setup on a whim... because that is how it has always happened at Bitch Tail lol.
When the region re-opens you will notice that Bitch Tail's main store is no longer about being HUGE! I am hoping this design will allow for easier shopping and gifting by keeping newer releases and newer updated items front and present.
Can not find a older item? That problem will be solved hopefully in "phase 2" of the remodel which will ensure to the best of my ability that ALL Bitch Tail items, new and old are available via the Marketplace. Marketplace will allow you to purchase for yourself as well as gift items however I can not link the e2v credit system to the website therefore shopping in the main store will always be the best option when the items are first released!
Scan*dal*ous will be remodeled and moved to the region Bitch Tail as well.... please note that during the remodel project you can still shop the current main store location in region Bitch Tail Mesh. (ssshhh don't tell anyone you know who Suzy is :P). Please respect that these are two different stores and due to this remodel Suzy will not be logging on much as I need Tiff for most of the details. So send any Scan*dal*ous store issues and such to SuzyScandal Resident.
The VIP lounge will also be closed at this time as it is housed on the region Bitch Tail... that to will be getting a new spot on the ground level and a new look, so VIP's... be patient.
Alrighty... I love you all and thank you so much for your support! I am always excited and scared during a large project like this but I have a good feeling this will be for the best in the long run.